September 25, 2014

#ASEM: A poem for the #NewSilkRoad #DeepSeabedMining #DSM

#ASEM: A poem for the #NewSilkRoad #DeepSeabedMining #DSM
It's invasion time,
"Asia/Europe" have designated a "New Silk Road"
That will transport all kinds of material made in #China
 Coinciding with the advent of legal experimental 
Deep Seabed Mining,  in Tonga
and an Agreement in Papua New Guinea
geopolitical blocks "Asia" and "Europe" once split, come  togetheragain
to pave the way for the
\Economic Development
From earth's oldest atoms lying on the sea floor
from the oldest of ancestor atoms,
what will be built?
whatever can!
Massive imagination
when we approach the numinous waves
of Ahauangamea
lying in the Abyss
will we catch amongst the run off fishing grounds fresh? 
Repeating islands of globalization "
What does this mean for the #Pacific #Oceania?
For the "good of all mankind" and the "Common Heritage of Mankind"
For the "good of all mankind" and the "Common Heritage of Mankind" 
For the "good of all mankind" and the "Common Heritage of Mankind" 

[References: here, here and here.]