December 13, 2010

Overcoming techno phobia.

Since becoming connected to the internet again last month, I've been recommitted to overcoming my techno phobia.  I've resisted for a long time now, but now the time has come to embrace and utilize new forms of media, as scary as they might seem.  In particular I'm trying to figure out just what the heck is Twitter.  My cousin was a great advocate of Twitter - he's a social marketing and internet marketing guru of sorts, and he first told me about Twitter about two years ago.  I logged on at that time, once - and never got back on, because I just didn't want to figure out what it was about.  Likewise, when it came to Facebook, I signed up about three years ago, logged on once, and never logged on again.  Then, last year, a friend was beaming about how wonderful Facebook was, and how exciting, and I tried to have her explain it to me, but again, I was just not into listening.  But I did sign up again, under my married name, and lo and behold, for the past year, I've slowly been exposing myself to the technocracy, and trying very hard to notice the positive aspects of new technology, while letting go of the phobia.
So I admit it, I've been techno-phobic and resistant for some time now, but being stranded on Gilligan's Island has made me more appreciative of the pleasure of being connected.  I don't suppose any of my dear readers will ever know what it feels like to be this disconnected - and remote from so called civilization.  At any rate, while I'm trying to figure out what I can glean and benefit from Twitter - we've also been benefiting from Skype, which is a Lifesaver with a capital L.  We signed up for the unlimited calling plan to the US cell phones and mobiles, all for $6.99/month and its saving us bundles on phone cards.  Dad can talk to Mom, which helps him stay sane, while he's working on the many projects here at Motuha.  Here's a photo of him chatting away.
Pops on Skype