Pigeon snaring aside, legend has it that our sia was a warriors' lookout pad and played a prominent role in the warrior culture emerging between the 15th and 17th centuries, a time of increasing civil war in the Tongan islands. According to legend, our sia was built by two high ranking warriors, who were also brothers.
For several decades now, our sia has been covered by overgrowth, and only a few of the elder generation remember the days when it was once cared for. Luckily, in 2010, Cyclone Renee uncovered this sia - otherwise we probably would not have ever stumbled across it.. It would have remained covered by brush, unbeknownst to us. Lucky us!
One of our core projects is to restore and preserve this archaeological heritage site for future generations, and to pass on the story of the brother-warriors who once lived on this piece of land.
Here are some recent photos of the sia's coral rock walls, which make up the 1'-2' high walls. The pics don't really do it justice, but here goes:
Western Wall |
One of the larger stones, note our goat, Lula, in the background. She loves coming on forest walks with me, she gets to munch on the vines along the way... |
This seems to be a sort of ramp on the South side |
North Slope: You can see the trees that are growing atop the sia, the roots of which push the stone wall out of joint. |
Windward (liku) view of the sea from the sia |
Here's a couple websites of interest regarding archaeology in Ha'apai
Vaipuna, 'Uiha Island dig finds Lapita pottery shards
Foa Island - Hawaiian-like petroglyphs uncovered in 2009
COMING SOON: Interview with Kisi, a 'Uiha elder who will recount the story of the Motuha Warriors for us...